Carers' Hub
We are here to support all informal and unpaid carers and cared-for people in our Borough.
An informal carer is someone who supports or looks after a friend, family member or neighbour due to illness, frailty, physical disability, learning disability, mental health problem or drug or alcohol misuse. If you provide (or intend to provide) physical, practical or emotional support to someone on a regular basis then you can be considered a carer.
You may have become an unpaid carer suddenly. For example, if someone you love has had an accident or becomes ill. For some people the caring role develops over time. For example, your parents might start to struggle to do things for themselves or the mental health of someone you love may stop them being able to care for themselves or their children.
Many people do not see themselves as a carer. They think of themselves as a friend or family member and do not realise that there may support available to them and the person they are caring for. You might not like the term 'carer' and that's fine too, we can still offer you support. You do not need to live with the person you care for or be in receipt of carer's allowance in order to access support.
When you start supporting a loved one, your role and the role of the person you are supporting may change. This can be difficult at first, as your relationship may need to adjust. Becoming a carer can come with emotions that could be difficult to accept and understand. It is not unusual to feel a sense of loss for your past life or even bitterness towards your new situation. Caring for a loved one can be hugely rewarding but many carers tell us they sometimes feel lonely and frustrated. These are natural feelings that you do not have to feel guilty about.
Our Adult Carers' Support Service can offer support and help without judgement. They will help you to find things that can make your life easier or to think about your own needs too, for more information:
- phone 01642 524494
- email
- visit our Adult Carers Support Service Facebook
- follow us on our Adult Carers Twitter account