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Friday 2 September

It was a busy start on Tuesday following the Bank Holiday Weekend, beginning with my regular Town Centres update from Garry Cummings,  the Council's Director of Finance, Development & Regeneration.

This was followed by my early in the week online catch up with Julie Danks, Managing Director of the Council, and Deputy Leader, Cllr Lisa Evans, to discuss the week ahead and any ongoing issues.

I was also joined by Cllr Evans for a Cabinet briefing, via Microsoft Teams, with Margaret Waggott, the Council's Assistant Director for Administration, Democratic and Electoral Services.  We discussed a number of items due before Cabinet in the coming weeks, including a financial update and a Scrutiny Review of bonfires on public land.

The day was rounded off with a meeting with Steph Carter-Smith of digital communications firm CityFibre, where I was joined by senior officers. The firm is set to invest £28m in a new network to bring Full Fibre-enabled broadband services to homes and businesses across the Borough.

On Wednesday I took advantage of a quieter day in the diary to focus on some important Council paper work

Yesterday I met again with Margaret Waggott to go through some Council business that will be considered by Corporate Management Team (CMT) and Cabinet.

This morning I was joined by the Deputy Leader for a regular online catch up with one of the borough's two MPs.

This weekend I'm looking forward to spending time with my family.

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