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Productivity Plan


We are a bold, brave and innovative Council, with a proven track record of delivering high quality, efficient services that meet the needs of residents. We have achieved this in the context of a 39% reduction to our funding since 2010.

We have taken a blended approach to ensure we remain a productive Council that is valued by our residents, including:

  • efficiency savings
  • working with communities to reduce demand
  • delivering growth

Smarter use of technology has been a constant theme in our service improvement and to achieve efficiencies

We are working to a set of design principles that prioritise efficient processes and digital by design, alongside using data and intelligence to inform all our decisions to maximise impact

Demand for Council services is continuing to increase, while budgets are reducing. We have developed a new strategic framework, Powering Our Future, which sets out a planned approach to carefully manage our resources over the longer term.

Powering Our Future will see us create a new relationship with communities, while continuing to provide efficient services that offer value for money and are valued by our residents within the reducing financial resources we have.

Barriers to local government progress include insufficient resources and ineffective methods of financial distribution, short term funding and competitive bidding.

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