How to join a library
We offer full memberships or digital memberships to anyone who lives or works in the Borough or visits regularly.
Digital membership
A digital membership gives you access to eBooks, eAudiobooks and online services.
You can find more information about what this includes on our online library services page.
How to apply
Sign up for a digital membership
Once you have signed up you will be given a digital library membership number.
Full membership
A full membership includes access to each of our libraries and to our eBooks, eAudiobooks and online services. Once your membership has been processed you will be given a library card.
How to apply
Visit any of our libraries with one form of ID to sign up for a full membership.
Acceptable forms of ID are:
- a driving licence
- a current Council Tax bill
- a less than 3 months old bank statement
- a less than 3 months old utilities bill
- a less than 3 months old prescription
- a less than 3 months old payslip
Children under 16 do not need to provide ID to sign up but a parent or carer's signature is required on the library card.
Use our find a local library page for location and opening time details.
Library cards
You need to bring your library card with you when visiting any of our libraries. If you forget your card when visiting a library you will be asked to show a form of ID before you can borrow items.
You can use your card in any Stockton Borough Library and return items to any library.
Lost or stolen library cards
If you lose your card, you have to pay £2 (or £1 if you do not earn a wage or have a disability) to replace it and you will need to provide your ID again.
If your personal details change, you need to let us know by emailing or visiting one of our libraries.
Do not lend your card to anyone else, as you are responsible for any items borrowed on it.
What can I borrow with my library card?
Age | Item |
Under 13 years of age | Up to 10 children's books and 3 children's story CDs. |
13 - 15 years of age | Up to 20 items including non-fiction, teenage and children's fiction and 3 teenage orchildren's story CDs |
16 years + | Up to 20 items including all non-fiction, all fiction, 2 language courses, 5 spoken word, and 3 junior story CDs. |
Visually-impaired person | If you are blind, partially sighted or are unable to handle the printed material you are entitled to up to 20 items including 10 large print books or spoken word free of charge. |
Special groups and registered childminders | If you run a special group e.g. playgroup, or if you are a registered childminder you are entitled to a deposit collection allowing up to 20 books for an extended load period of 3 months. |