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Council meetings


A full Council meeting consists of all 56 elected councillors and takes place 8 to 10 times per year. Major decisions, such as the setting of the Council's budget and Council Plan, are decided by all councillors at these meetings.


Cabinet is made up of the Leader of the Council and 6 other councillors, each councillor is responsible for a particular area of work known as the Cabinet portfolio. Cabinet usually meet every month to make strategic decisions and implement council policies agreed by full Council. Any decisions made are subject to examination by the Council's Executive Scrutiny Committee.


There are 5 Select Committees which also take place to monitor and evaluate the way in which the Council works and the ways in which its policies are being implemented and developed. There are also a small number of other committees and panels such as Planning Committee and Licensing Committee.

Dates, agendas and papers

Meeting dates, agendas, minutes and associated notices are all available through ModernGov.

Who can attend

Anyone is welcome at Council, Cabinet and Committee meetings, although you may be asked to leave when certain confidential items are discussed.

Meetings of the full Council include a public question time. Questions need to be submitted at least 7 clear working days in advance using our online form.

Submit a question to be asked at a full Council meeting

The Council is committed to being open and transparent in the way it conducts its public meetings so the recording of Council meetings is permitted, subject to certain restrictions and conditions. (PDF, 294 KB)

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