Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement 2020 to 2021
Community Infrastructure Levy
Whilst the Council initiated work on a CIL in 2015, this was paused while the Government undertook a review of CIL and to focus resources on to the Local Plan which was adopted in 2019. Subsequently, no further progress was made on CIL as following Government's intention to remove a limit on the 'pooling' of section 106 contributions, which was confirmed in the CIL Regulation Amendments (2019). Previously, contributions towards infrastructure were limited to a maximum of 5 developments, which threatened development viability or infrastructure delivery.
As the Council does not charge CIL all figures in Appendix 1 are 'nil' and there is no requirement for the Council to state which projects or types of infrastructure the Council intends to fund using CIL money. There is also no requirement for parish councils to produce any monitoring reports.