Hairdressing and barber byelaws
The byelaws
1. Interpretation:
In these byelaws, unless the context otherwise requires; "Business" means a hairdresser's or barber's business; "Premises" means premises on which a business is carried out; "Day" means a day on which business is carried out.
2. For the purpose of securing the cleanliness of premises a person carrying on the business on those premises shall comply with the following provisions;
(a) All internal walls, partitions and ceilings shall be capable of being kept clean, and shall be kept clean and in good repair;
(b) The floor and any covering shall be kept in good repair, and shall be cleaned at least once a day and swept as necessary to prevent the accumulation of hair clippings, neck wool or other litter;
(c) All such sweepings and all other litter shall be placed in suitable covered receptacles, which shall be emptied at least once a day, and as necessary, and kept clean;
(d) Every chair or seat shall be kept clean;
(e) Every shelf, table, cabinet, washbasin and other fitting shall be kept clean.
3. For the purpose of securing the cleanliness of instruments, towels, materials and equipment used in the premises, a person carrying on the business on those premises shall comply with the following provisions;
(a) Immediately before use in connection with any customer connection with treatment;
i. any gown, wrap or other protective clothing shall be clean;
ii. any paper or other covering placed on the back of a chair and any towel, cloth, hairnet, neck wool or other article which is applied to the face, head or neck shall be clean, and shall not previously have been used in connection with any other customer unless it consists of a material which can be, and has been adequately cleaned;
iii. any item of equipment and metal instrument likely to come into contact with the customer shall be clean;
iv. any hairbrush, comb or similar instrument shall be clean;
v. any soap in solid form shall have been adequately rinsed.
(b) A fresh supply of water shall be used for purposes of shaving, shampooing or washing each customer, and all articles used for the purpose of shaving (including any styptic in solid form) shall be adequately cleaned immediately before and after use;
(c) Adequate facilities shall be provided for the purposes of any cleaning required out in the pursuance of this byelaw.
4. For the purposes of securing the cleanliness of hairdressers or barbers working on premises in regard to both themselves and their clothing;
(a) No such hairdresser or barber shall attend to any customer unless-
i. his hands are clean;
ii. he is wearing a clean, washable overall;
iii. he keeps any open boil, sore, cut or open wound on an exposed part of his body effectively covered by an impermeable dressing.
(b) Every person carrying on a business on premises;
i. shall take all reasonable steps to secure compliance with the foregoing provisions of this byelaw by the hairdressers or barbers working on such premises;
ii. shall provide and maintain suitable and enough washing facilities for the hairdressers and barbers working on such premises.
5. Any person who offends against any of these byelaws shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.
6.The byelaws as to hairdressers and barbers made by the former County Borough of Teesside on 21st February 1972 under Section 77 of the Public Health Act 1961 and confirmed by the Secretary of State for the Environment on 8th May 1972 are hereby revoked.
The foregoing byelaws are hereby confirmed by the Secretary of State for the Environment and shall come into operation on 1st February 1984
D O McCredie Assistant Secretary
Department of the Environment
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State 29th December 1983