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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Action Plan

The Council will implement the following actions during 2023 to 2024: The Council will:

  • introduce a new pre-tender modern slavery and human trafficking risk assessment to ensure appropriate identification of high-risk contracts
  • adopt the new Government Crown Commercial Service's standard selection questionnaire (SQ),  part 3 of the SQ includes a section on the Modern Slavery Act 2015
  • identify additional appropriate and proportionate activity during the tender process to ensure bidders evidence their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, this could also include asking specific questions during tender evaluation about how a bidder will manage their modern slavery and human trafficking risk
  • when appropriate, include additional clauses in contract terms and conditions in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking
  • when appropriate, include assessment of how modern slavery and human trafficking risks are managed by contractors via contract management
  • signpost other officers not members of CIPS but whom have a responsibility for procurement to the Local government Association - Home Offices' Modern Slavery Unit and Joint Security and Resilience Centre's E-Learning training via the Government Commercial College website
  • signpost other officers who may be in a position to identify modern slavery and human trafficking in the course of their work to the Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board modern slavery and human trafficking training
  • publish the National Referral Mechanism guidance on the Council's website which describes how to identify possible indicators of modern slavery and human trafficking and how to report concerns through this National Referral Mechanism (NRM)
  • review this statement annually, to identify any further actions required to manage the modern slavery and human trafficking risk


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