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Cabinet members

Councillor Bob Cook

Leader of Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council 

Councillor Bob Cook


  • Combined Authority
  • Regional/Sub Regional Economic Growth
  • Rail North
  • Agreement of Business to be covered by and chairing of the Cabinet
  • Responsibility for items of considerable corporate significance which transcend the responsibility of individual Cabinet Members (i.e. budget preparation, preparation of the Medium Term Financial Plan)
  • External partnerships e.g. Representative on the Leaders Board/TVU and the broader strategic economic growth agenda;
  • To agree and present Forward Plans to Cabinet/Council
  • Representation on relevant Outside Bodies
  • Consultee for Officers' delegated decisions
  • Business Champion, business support
  • Champion in all related portfolio topic areas
  • European inward investment
  • Family Poverty
  • City Deal
  • Communications - including social media
  • Corporate Management and Finance as follows:-
  • Finance
  • ICT
  • Taxation
  • Risk Management
  • Asset Management and Capital Strategy
  • Procurement
  • Xentrall - Stockton Darlington Partnership
  • Central Support Services
  • Human Resources
  • Efficiency
  • Administration
  • Legal & Democratic Services
  • Youth MPs
  • Corporate Governance
  • Civic Services
  • Standards and Probity
  • Policy and Performance 


Councillor Lisa Evans

Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

Councillor Lisa Evans

Deputy leader portfolio

  • To fulfil the responsibilities of the Leader in the Leader's absence, or when the Leader is otherwise unable to act. 


Children and young people portfolio

  • Children and Young Peoples Plan
  • Social Care Assessment and Fieldwork
  • Looked After Children and Young People leaving care
  • Integrated Youth Support
  • School Holiday Enrichment programmes
  • Youth MPs (Shared with Leader)
  • School Effectiveness
  • Early Years
  • Complex Needs
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Transitions
  • Workforce Development
  • 14-19 Partnership
  • Youth Offending Services
  • Representation on relevant Outside Bodies
  • Consultee for Officers' delegated decisions
  • Attendance for opening of tenders
  • Champion in all related portfolio topic areas


Councillor Steve Nelson

The Cabinet Member for Health, Leisure and Culture

Councillor Steve Nelson

Health, leisure and culture portfolio

  • Public Health;
  • Healthy Communities
  • Health promotion, preventative health and health improvement
  • Drugs and alcohol related issues
  • Partnerships with Health
  • 0-19 Health Services
  • Healthy Schools Programme
  • School Holiday Enrichment programmes;
  • Tackling social isolation and loneliness
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Arts Strategy
  • Libraries
  • Museums
  • Theatre
  • Riverside Festival
  • BIFF
  • Events
  • Parks Strategy (in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport)
  • Countryside (in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport)
  • Leisure
  • Sports Development
  • Development of Tees Valley Sports Partnership
  • High Achievement in Sport Strategy and Policy
  • Cultural Services and Strategies
  • Leisure Facilities Management
  • Liaison with Tees Active Trust
  • Representation on relevant Outside Bodies
  • Consultee for Officers' delegated decisions
  • Attendance at the opening of tenders
  • Champion in all related portfolio topic areas


Councillor Norma Stephenson

The Cabinet Member for Access, Communities and Community Safety

Councillor Norma Stephenson

Access, communities and community safety portfolio

  • Liaison with Neighbourhood Bodies:
    • Locality Forums
    • Town and Parish Councils
    • Wards
    • Voluntary Community & Social Enterprise Sector (VCSE)
  • Community Cohesion and Equality:
    • BME
    • Travellers
    • Hard to Reach
    • Asylum Seekers
  • Rural Policy
  • Community Engagement, Consultation
  • Community Empowerment
  • Access to Services, including Customer First, Customer Relations Management and use of new technology in customer services
  • Registrars
  • Welfare Rights
  • Fair Trade
  • Consultee for Officers' delegated decisions
  • Attendance at the opening of tenders
  • Community Safety
  • Community Wardens Service
  • Licensing
  • Environmental Health
  • Trading Standards
  • Consumer Advice
  • Public Health/Food Safety
  • Anti-social Behaviour
  • Arson Reduction
  • Champion in all related portfolio topic areas
  • Representation on relevant Outside Bodies


Councillor Nigel Cooke

The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing

Councillor Nigel Cooke

Regeneration and housing portfolio

  • Economic Development
  • Town Centre Developments
  • Town Centre Management
  • Regeneration
  • Planning
  • Building Control
  • Markets
  • Employment Initiatives
  • Tourism
  • Housing Strategy and Policy
  • Homeless Advice
  • Private Sector Grants
  • Housing and Council Tax Benefits
  • Housing Regeneration
  • Liaison with Thirteen
  • Housing Association Investment and Performance
  • Right to Buy
  • Home Ownership Assistance Schemes
  • Tees Valley housing/market renewal
  • Adult Education
  • Representation on relevant Outside Bodies
  • Consultee for Officers' delegated decisions
  • Attendance at the opening of tenders
  • Champion in all related portfolio topic areas 


Councillor Pauline Beall

The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care

Councillor Pauline Beall

Adult social care portfolio

  • Commissioning and provision of services for adults and older people
  • Integrated commissioning and provision of services for people with mental health problems and people with learning disabilities;
  • Commissioning and provision of services for people with physical disabilities, including sensory loss and palliative care;
  • Independent Living
  • Representation on relevant Outside Bodies
  • Consultee for Officers' delegated decisions
  • Attendance at the opening of tenders
  • Champion in all related portfolio topic areas


Councillor Clare Besford

The Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport

Councillor Clare Gamble

Environment and transport portfolio

  • Care for Your Area Services:
    • Street Cleansing
    • Refuse Collection
    • Parks Maintenance
    • Grounds Maintenance
    • Horticulture
    • Road and Footpath Repairs
    • Waste Management
    • Recycling
  • Parks Strategy (in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Health, Leisure and Culture)
  • Countryside Strategy (in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Health, Leisure and Culture)
  • Environmental Policy:
    • pollution
    • climate change
    • biodiversity
    • environmental aspects of transport planning
  • Emergency Planning (including flood risk management)
  • Representation on relevant Outside Bodies
  • Consultee for Officers' delegated decisions
  • Attendance at the opening of tenders
  • Local Transport Plan
  • Street Lighting
  • Engineering and Transport
  • Road Safety
  • Traffic Management
  • Highways Design, Structures (and Maintenance)
  • Champion in all related portfolio topic areas


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