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ASB case review procedure

The process

Step 1

Completed application received by Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council (SBC) Legal Team.


Step 2

Applicant will be contacted within 2 working days by SBC Legal to acknowledge receipt of the application.


Step 3

SBC Legal to contact all relevant agencies within 2 working days and request their information.


Step 4

The requested information is to be supplied to SBC Legal within 10 working days by relevant agencies.


Step 5

Once all information has been received a decision will be made by SBC Legal within 3 working days on whether the threshold has been met to activate the case review. 


Next steps if your ASB case review is activated 

Step 6

SBC Legal to contact members of the Case Review panel to inform them immediately following the decision.

Step 7 

Case Review meeting is held within 5 working days to decide if further action can be taken and agree an action plan. Outcome of review to be provided to SBC Legal within 2 working days of the meeting.

Step 8

SBC Legal to contact the applicant within 5 working days of the review decision to discuss the outcome. Confirmation in writing to be sent to applicant.

Step 9

If applicant is satisfied with the outcomes the action plan will be monitored by the Lead Agency through to its conclusion.

Step 10

If dissatisfied with the way the review was carried out, and the applicant believes that a piece of evidence or information was not considered, the applicant can request an appeal. Appeals are reviewed by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland (OPCC).

All requests for an appeal must be made in writing by an applicant within ten working days of being informed of the outcome(s) of the case review meeting.

All requests for an appeal must be made directly to the Local Authority who dealt with the original case review.

The Local Authority will then seek the consent of the applicant to pass the appeal request and data relevant to the undertaking of the appeal to the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland.

Any request to undertake an appeal must clearly state the reasons for requesting an appeal together with any supporting information or evidence, applicant contact details and details of the geographic location where the original case review took place.

Information on how to request an appeal will be provided by SBC Legal as part of the Case Review decision making process.


Next steps if your ASB case review is not activated

Step 6

SBC Legal to contact members of the Case Review panel to inform them immediately following the decision.

Step 7

SBC Legal to contact the applicant within 2 working days of the decision to discuss the outcome. Confirmation in writing to be sent to Applicant.

Step 8

If dissatisfied with the way the review was carried out, and the applicant believes that a piece of evidence or information was not considered, the applicant can request an appeal. Appeals are reviewed by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland (OPCC).

All requests for an appeal must be made in writing by an applicant within ten working days of being informed of the outcome(s) of the case review meeting.

All requests for an appeal must be made directly to the Local Authority who dealt with the original case review.

The Local Authority will then seek the consent of the applicant to pass the appeal request and data relevant to the undertaking of the appeal to the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland.

Any request to undertake an appeal must clearly state the reasons for requesting an appeal together with any supporting information or evidence, applicant contact details and details of the geographic location where the original case review took place.

Information on how to submit an appeal will be provided by SBC Legal as part of the Case Review decision making process.


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