Closed consultations
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Alcohol and Drugs Consultation Summary report - Findings from the quantitative data summarise findings from the quantitative professional stakeholder consultation data, the following points emerge: Knowledge of services : respondents were mo...
Alcohol and Drugs Consultation Summary report - Introduction report presents the results of a consultation carried out with professional and non- professional stakeholders in Stockton-on-Tees on the subject of alcoho...
Alcohol and Drugs Consultation Summary report
Tinkers Yard consultation hear from local residents on plans to build new pocket park at Tinkers Yard in Norton.
Community Safety Plan 2020 3 years the Safer Stockton Partnership (SSP) undertake a Crime and Disorder Audit and following public consultation, produce a Community Safety Plan.
Stockton Market consultation hear from Stockton's market traders, nearby businesses and visitors to the town centre on where they would like the outdoor market to be located on the High ...
Alcohol and drug services consultation Health in Stockton were seeking views on alcohol and drug services in the Borough.
Early years and childcare survey Family Information Service were seeking the views of parents and carers of children aged up to 14 (or up to age 18 for disabled children) on childcare in St...
Care home development consultation Adults and Health Service were seeking the views of care home residents, their relatives and the general public about adult care home provision in Stockton-...
Lets talk about our towns 2019 four week consultation asked for people's views on the future of Stockton Town Centre.