Discretionary Housing Payment Policy 2022-23
14. Awarding a Discretionary Housing Payment
14.1 In deciding whether to award a DHP the following will be taken into account:
- any steps taken by the claimant to reduce expenditure, for example, by trying to negotiate a reduction in gross rent
- expenditure is reasonable in comparison to income
- the impact of Central Government's Welfare Reforms
- compliance with reasonable requests to engage with others including your landlord to improve circumstances
- the financial and medical circumstances of the claimant and all members of the claimant's household
- any savings or capital available to the claimant and all the members of the claimant's household
- the level of debt owed by the claimant and all of the claimant's household
- any exceptional circumstances of the claimant and all of the claimant's household
- the amount available in the DHP fund at the time of the application
- the possible impact of not making an award, for example, pressure on provision of accommodation for the homeless
- any other special circumstances
14.2 When awarding a DHP to assist with securing a new tenancy, the following factors will be considered:
- the authority will include information about the legal obligations for landlords to protect any deposit paid in a Government approved tenancy deposit protection scheme, compliance with this requirement will help reduce the need for future help with deposits
- establishing if the customer is due to have a deposit in respect of their exiting tenancy returned to them
- making payment to the landlord rather than the customer
14.3 On receipt of all required information a decision will be made within 10 working days.