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Discretionary Housing Payment Policy 2022-23

5. Targeted support

5.1 Since its inception, DHP funding has been used primarily to make short term awards to ease transitions and to give claimants time to seek resolution of their difficulties.

5.2 Many people have difficulty paying their rent. Among these are:

  • those whose benefit is restricted because their rent is considered too high
  • those whose benefit is restricted because their home is considered too large under the government's size criteria
  • those whose benefit is reduced by deductions for non-dependants who may not contribute adequately to cover those deductions
  • those whose benefit is reduced by the taper for excess income
  • those who for all sorts of reasons have other calls on their income (additional expenses or outstanding debts) which they prioritise ahead of rent
  • those who have general difficulty managing the income they have, including those subject to the household benefit cap
  • those who are returning to work after a long period of unemployment who have difficulty in managing finances during the transition from benefit to a stable in-work income when the continuing level of net earnings is known and any Universal Credit entitlement is secured

5.3 Any claimant who has a shortfall between the amount of Housing Benefit or Universal Credit awarded and the rent charged is able to make a claim for DHP. Given the number of people who are affected by Welfare Reforms, awarding DHP to meet all shortfalls will not be possible. Careful consideration will be made to determining how best to target the funding within priority groups, whilst ensuring that each case is considered on its own individual merits.

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