Guidance on making a representation
Licensing Act 2003
Under the 2003 Licensing Act (the Act) Stockton on Tees Borough Council is the Licensing Authority for Stockton Borough.
The Licensing Authority issues premises licences which allow businesses to carry out the following licensable activities:
- sale by retail of alcohol
- the provision of regulated entertainment
- the provision of late night refreshment between 11pm and 5am
This affects pubs, bars, restaurants, supermarkets, off licences, cinemas, theatres, community premises and late night takeaways to name just a few.
Under the Act the Licensing Authority must publish a Statement of Licensing Policy showing how it will promote the licensing objectives of:
- prevention of crime and disorder
- protection of children from harm
- public safety
- prevention of public nuisance
View our Statement of Licensing Policy
The licensing objectives have equal weight and form the entire basis of how the Act works.