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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

How we manage the modern slavery and human trafficking risk in supply chains

This council will continue to operate in a responsible manner by adhering to legal obligations prescribed by the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in its procurement activities.  Stockton Borough Council will continue to: 

  • require all suppliers of goods and services to comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations [and codes], including but not limited to, the Modern Slavery Act 2015, their own anti-slavery policy (where applicable) and this Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
  • requires its service providers engaged in 'regulated activity' for children and adults to have safeguarding policies, procedures and training in place and to comply with the reporting procedures in the Council's Safeguarding Policy
  • challenge any abnormally low-cost tenders to ensure they do not rely upon the potential contractor practicing modern slavery and human trafficking
  • publicise its Whistleblowing/ Confidential Reporting Policy for staff to report on any suspected examples of modern slavery and human trafficking 
  • require our contractors to adopt a Whistleblowing/Confidential Reporting Policy which enables their staff to report on any suspected examples of modern slavery and human trafficking
  • refer for investigation via the National Crime Agency's national referral mechanism any of its contractors identified as a cause for concern regarding modern slavery and human trafficking
  • consider ways to increase awareness within the Council, and to ensure a high level of understanding of the risks involved with modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and in our business
  • ensure those officers in the Council's Procurement Team, who are Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) members, undertake specific training related to modern slavery and human trafficking in supply chains, through the CIPS online course on ethical Procurement and Supply
  • build mitigation measures into the tender process and contract terms & conditions where risks are identified, which will allow for termination of the contract if these clauses are breached
  • publish details of all spend over £500 for transparency purposes, showing was paid, how much and what it was for

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